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I’m an applied statistician and machine learning engineer. I’m the co-founder and CTO of Causa, a causal AI startup. Our flagship product is an e-commerce pricing optimisation platform called Optifi. I have previously worked as a machine learning engineer, freelance data science consultant, and software developer. I completed my PhD applying Bayesian methods to social networks (particularly animal social networks, dealing with sparse, missing, and noisy data) at the Centre for Research in Animal Behaviour at the University of Exeter, UK. Prior to my PhD I received my Master of Mathematics degree from the University of York, using graph neural networks to analyse ecological networks. I’ve also worked on a number of NLP projects prior to the advent of LLMs.

I’m fundamentally interested in using data science to understand complex systems, and finding ways to equip non-experts to make use of data science technologies. Specific areas of interest include causal inference, Bayesian statistics, philosophy of science, and human-assisted machine learning.

To see a complete list of my academic publications, check out my Google Scholar profile.